Tuesday, August 31, 2010

"God's will make a way" by Albert Paite

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From: "SL.Khankhup Albert" <khovelthuthang@gmail.com>
Date: Fri, 26 Dec 2008 19:14:33 +0530
Subject: Zogam.com a di article thak ,"God's will make a way" chih konkhak
To: admin@zogam.com

*Toupan thil thupitak hon hihsak **chih non suahsak jiak in kakipak.*
*Tu in a thak in "God's will make a way" chih kon gelh nawn a,*
*,hoih nasak hunhun in hon suahsak din kon ngen.*
*Your faithfully,*
*Written by:S.L.Khankhup*
*Everyone may not know Don Moen, one of the well known hymner in world
favorite hymns.Instead of going to his background; we'll try to learn lesson
from him how he learn from others. This song is based on Isaiah
43:19(NASBA), read when all hopes seem to be lost in these worlds? When
you're beloved children's and wife away from this world? When you say," God
why to me"? When your relatives or friends face untimely dead? When you
heard millions of lives had been lost in Iraq** war? What will be your
response to God and others? By reading this article, "God may comfort your
sorrow which you did not express and you may comforts the helpless like Don
Moen did".
Late one evening, Don Moen received a phone call with
devastating news. His wife's sister had lost their son in an automobile

Craig and Susan Phelps and their four sons were traveling through Texas on
their way to Colorado when their van was struck broadside by an 18 wheelers.
All four boys were thrown from the van, Craig and Susan located their sons
by their cries -one boy was lying in the ditch, another is in an area wet
from melted snow. Near by was his brother who landed a telephone pole. All
were seriously injured. But when Craig, a medical doctor reach to Jeremy; He
focused him lying by a fence post with his neck broken.
There was nothing Craig could do to survive him. When Don Moen
received the news of this tragedy a few hours later, He recalls,"* My whole
world come to a stand still*", but he had to get the plane for the next
morning.He could not be with them till the funeral service.

Although, he knew Craig and Susan was hurting. During the
flight, the morning after the accidents, God gave him a song for them:
*God's will make a way
Where there seems to be no way
He works in His way, we cann't see
He'll make away for you
He'll be your guide
Hold you closely to His side
With love and strengh, for each new day*

*He'll make a way, He'll make a way



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