Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Summary of my Sermon during Christmass Celebration 2013 as 'SPEAKER'.

Extracted ◄ htt://◄ summary of my preaching during Christmass 2013 ◄ 1. Christmass: Christmass is ' Christ's Mass' and we have to Celebrate Christ then Mass. 2. Date of Christmass: Bible didnt mentioned exact date but Pope Julius -1 authorised December 25th to be celebrated as ' Christmass in A.D 353. The first recorded Christmass being celebrated was in A.D 336. 3. Christmass in U.K. Believe to be celebrated in the 6th Century with the help of St.Sebastian who introduce Christianity in this Country. 4. Christmass in America: After Oliver Cromwell and his Puritan forces cancelled Christmass in U.K in the year 1645 A.D , some Englîsh separetist came to America and introduce Christmass. It was outlaw to celebrate Christmass in Boston between 1659-81. In December 25, 1789, Christmass under America's Constitution and since July 26, 1870, it was declared Christmass as public holiday. Christmass first fall on Julian Calendar January 6 untill the U.K switched or Modify Calender in 1752. As of 25th December 2013, there are 13 days differences with the Old Calendar. 5. Christmass in Town Baptist Church PNG: It was celebrated Christmass on 24th December since 24th December 1999 and 25th as 'FoodMass' from the last 13 years as they were busy in preparing food and meat- they couldnt spare time for Worship Service. I hardly convinced and established 'First Service Programme' with great efforts. I hope they would follow-up in the next Christmass. 6. The Magi: The three Magis were from East (Mtt 2:1) and they were originated from different countries. 1. Casper - Indian Scholar, King of India. 2. Melchior- Persian Scholar , King of Persia. 3. Belthasar - King of Arabia. 'Three wisemen' name were introduced at the birth place of Alexandria in 500 A.D. ...---... Extracted from htt://◄

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