Tuesday, September 1, 2015

History of Solung Giidi

By ~ Liankhankhup Sektak 

       Solung is one of the well celebrated Adis' religious festival that falls on later August and early September annually coresponding to the Adis' months of 'Tauno' and ' Yao'. The word Solung derived from two words 'SO' from ESO(Mithun) and 'LUNG' from Alung (Herd) which is translated into a 'HERD OF MITHUN' refer to slaughter on the day of Solung. In the beginning, the festival believed to have no connection with any religion including Donyi-Poloism nor Christian. It was celebrated as traditional feast observed and celebrated by hardworking villagers after planted their paddy. The festival may be compare with Galo Mopin, Assamese Bihus and Manipuri Ningon Chak Kouba. The emerging and marathon race of Hindu and Christian in Arunachal Pradesh transformed the festival to religious favour closely associated with Hinduism to keep the brethren alien and away from the festival. The Hindus influenced successfully planted in Arunachal through political, society, education and healthcare in the middle of 20th century till today. Mythological development of deities as of Hindus also taken place and as a result the Donyi- Poloism transformed into hundread of deities. The 33 millions deities of Hindus inspired Donyi-Polo devotees to form and believe including Hindus' deities.[1]

        There were no movement nor Gangging untill December 31, 1986 when Golgi Bote Talom Rukbo felt the need of having written scripture, Miri and Gangging that was the beginning of all that we find today. Since then the Revival movement of Donyi-Poloism , literature, prayer songs, Miri, cultural exchanged programmes and development of festival myth taking place in this community. He established Central Celebration of Solung Festival (CCSF) now Central Solung Celebration Committee (CSCC) in an aim to celebrate uniformly in 1966 at Pangin while he was posted as Sub-area organizer of Home Guard. Thereafter, Solung has been celebrated inter -village and perform various entertainment programmes especially in town, colleges and university. [2] The origin date of Solung Festival is not known but scholars believed that it was observed by Adis' ancestors during they resided in Central Mongal. The legends (Aabang) narrated that the village youth used to play 'Tug of War' with 'Pyoopa' Creeper that contained water in its vein for three nights. On the eve of tug of war, the youth lamented , "YOKYA - SOLA, ALI-AYE ARDA DOPE AMONG SIM SOLUNG LAAJU" that may translated into "untill infertility soil fertile, let us celebrate Solung'. [3] The ancient celebration of Solung and Ponung had no connection with religious but the emerging of mythology consider Culture and Religion under one rooft that particularly target the minor christian community. A civilize society like Adis must aware ' Religion is belief and Culture is our Identity'. Believing and choosing any religion is up to the choice of the person but all the same community must unite under one rooft as far as Culture is concern. Transforming culture in favour of religion shall be within and consensus among other religion mandatory. Cultural and traditional preservation is the right and duty of the people which Rukbo also taught, " LOSS OF CULTURE, LOSS OF IDENTITY". A man who loss culture is compared with loss of identity. Significant transformation of Donyi-Poloism took place under the first man of Spirituo-religious movement leader Talom Rukbo which is consider a renaissance of self identity. We cannot designate identity based on their religion and it shall have no role in any cultural movement. Many questions and rift arise why the christian brethren refrain from Solung Festival. The Christian are believe to avoid Solung as long as cult-festival exist. Modification of culture for all the same community, festival and society is the need of hour.

       The legends (Aabang) cited that Seedi (The Purus) and Meelo (The Prakrity) the creator of creatures and cosmic world had divinely union and as a consequence; Meelo Nane pregnant and gave birth 17 gods and goddess. 
 1. Seedi Sepi Yokmo (Architect and blacksmith)
 2. Seedi Dinom Yokmo ( Architect & blacksmith)
 3. Seedi Tuggi Yokmo ( Architect, blacksmith and fortune teller) 
4. Seedi Sepeng Yokmo ( Architect & blacksmith) 
5. Seedi Diki Kiine Nane (goddess of food grain and under globe) 
 6. Seedi Didong Dooying Bote ( Devine Father and head of upper world) 
7. Seedi Digir Irping Piying Yidum Bote (Protector and father of Dooni Aji or Abo Tani)
 8. Seedi Digir Irkong Kongki Bote (Male's life designer) 
 9. Seeding Digir Irkong Koomang Naane ( Female's life designer)
 10. Seedi Linggen Sobo ( Source of Iron and Steel) 
 11. Seedi Diden Dende Sobo ( Source of food grain) 
12. Seedi Dikum Kung- gum Sobo (Mithun types animal) 
13. Seedi Kanggam Yekra (Pig type animal) 
14. Seedi Diling Liimir Sobo (Origin of Mithun) 
 15. Seedi Dipong Poolung Sobo (Mithun from underglobe, source of destruction and deadly weapons) 
16. Seedi Diling Litung ( Male origin of mankind) 
 17. Seedi Diling Liimang (Female origin of mandkind)

       [4] In Solung, the priest chanted all the deities names and ask blessing and forgiveness accordingly. If the priest fail to recite sequencely, it may happen misfortune in that village or risk his own life. According to the mythological tales of Adis, Pedong Ane was the last daughter of Liitung Limang. Pedong Ane married to Yidum Bote and gave birth Abotani, reptiles, insects, snake and innumerable gods and goddes. She also had begotten 19 deities. 
 1. Pedong Dooban Banji Banmang (Evil spirit human blood sucker) 
 2. Pedong Dooni Niinur Bote (Architect & blacksmith - Arem Pina Yokmo) 
 3. Peedong Doobi Bisi Yaada (Blacksmith) 
4. Pedong Doodang Daadi Bote (Owner of Mithun - Eso Agam) 
5. Pedong Dooding Diimu Taayang (Evil spirit of mountain, poison roots owner and medicine for stomach pain) 
6. Pedong Doonam Biri Birak (Huge snake, evil spirit of destruction, flood and soil erosion) 
 7. Pedong Doonom Nomgu Nomnang (Spirit of wild animal and hunting) 
8. Peedong Doomi Misum Miyang (Owner of beads, bracelet) 
9. Peedong Doomi Miti Mitang (Owner of perfumes, food grains (Siiye) 
10. Pedong Dirkong Koone Koodam ( Evil spirit of femine) 
11. Pedong Donggi Nyiite Pooro (Evil spirit that cause female sickness) 
12. Pedong Donggi Nyiji Nyiipong ( mainly cause to female sickness) 
 13. Pedong Doomi Mili Minam (Evil spirit that cause Epidemic) 
 14. Pedong Doobo Boki Bogo (Owner of Louse) 
15. Pedong Doorot Rotmang Maasi Siyin Sibeng (Origin of monkey) 
16. Pedong Dooro Robo (Origin of forest spirit.Elder brother of Abotani) 
17. Pedong Ane (She gave birth Tiger-Simyo) 
18. Pedong Dooni Niibo ( Origin of mankind) 
19. Pedong Doopu Puduk Pusa (Origin of frog)[5] 

     You may not wonder the birth of deities and still thousands more to come. Christian are not against any community and culture but when it come to religious favour ; their God forbid them even if they wish to do so. When Solung become religious festival, the christian bade farewell that often effect society. The Christian believes in only one God who created human being and all things in the earth and universe.[6] . The Lord God of Christian commanded not to have other god nor perform sacrifice in the names of deities. He doesnot allow them to believe or follow fortune teller nor interprete omens . [7] . If any Christian openly or secretly perform sacrifices or bow before other god; God of christian will bring calamity, troubles into that family and He will not pity them when His wrath fall upon them.[8] One has to fear invisible God than visible men even society uproar. In Solung, Mithun is sacrifice to Doying Bote and Pig to Kine Nane inorder to get blessing and protection of their field. If they are please, it will rain in Solung and it will produce great fertily of soil. Solung celebration continues for three days to five days or more: 1. Solung Gidi Dogin (Preparation Day) 2. Doreph-Long (Animal sacrifice) 3. Binnayat Binam (Worshipping goddess) 4.Yaktor or Ekop (Making arrow or weapons for evil spirit) 5. Miri (Solung Abung) [9] Everyone has a right to believe millions of deities and myth as the constitution of India given right to religious freedom in Article 25-28. Respecting and mutual understanding other religion and belief is the duty of good citizen and its secular. Dragging the minor religion and overpower their belief is crime against humanity and vialation of international law. Universal declaration of human right quarantees everybody the right to freedom of thoughts, speech,conscience and religion. Religion is belief and culture is our identity. 

 End Notes:

 2. Tarak Mize, Book of records of Arunachal Pradesh, 2007, pg-319 

 3. CSFC Committee Pangin, Solung Festival, 2014, pg-1-4.

 4. Ibid, pg.no.

 5-6 5.Ibid, pg.no.17-20 

 6. Genesis 1:1-30; 2:1ff

 7. Diut. 18:9-14

 8. Jer. 13:14.

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